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Sebastien Theme, Chronique ” La Madeleine du dimanche “, France Culture, 22th may 2022.
Laure Adler, “L’heure bleue”, on: France Inter, 3 June 2021.
Femmes d’Art, “Episode 45” : Podcast, 2 June 2021.
Augustin Trapenard, “ORLAN en lettres capitales”, on: France Inter, 26 April 2017.
Laurence Garcia, “Dans tes rêves” with Chloé Delaume, on: France Inter, December 8th 2016.
France Inter, “La face voilée du burkini”, debate, Laurent Goumarre Le nouveau Rendez-vous radio show, August 29th 2016, Paris, France.
Jean de Loisy and Sandra Adam-Couralet, ” Les regardeurs “, on :
France Culture
, June 6th, 2016.
Arnaud Laporte, ” La dispute “, on :
France Culture
, April 21th 2016.
Laurent Goumarre, “Le Grand Jeu des régionales”, on :
France Inter
, December 14, 2015
Frédéric Taddei, “Europe 1 Social Club: ORLAN, j’ai fait signer des pétitions contre la mort”, on: Europe 1, October 15, 2015.
Laurent Goumarre, “Le nouveau rendez-vous: 20 ans de révolution Gay, ORLAN et musique bretonne”, on: France Inter, October 15, 2015.
Mathilde Serrell, Martin Quenehen, “Emission Ping Pong: Striptease plastique et cabaret féministe avec ORLAN & Nathalie Joly”, on: France Culture, October 2, 2015.
Siegfried Forster, “ORLAN fait “Strip-tease”, la révolution artistique par le corps”, on: RFI, September 21, 2015.
Laurent Goumarre, “Le Rendez-vous du 2/09 avec ORLAN et Franck Maubert”, on: France Culture, 2 September 2014.
Françoise Raes, “Bang Bang: ORLAN online”, on : Pure FM, May 2013 (Belgium)
Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (5/5)”, on: France Culture, December 7, 2012.
Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (4/5)”, on: France Culture, December 6, 2012.
Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (3/5)”, on: France Culture, December 5, 2012.
Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (2/5)”, on: France Culture, December 4, 2012.
Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (1/5)”, on : France Culture, 3 December 2012
François Angelier, “Nuit blanche 2012 : Les mots d’ORLAN”, on : France Culture, 6 October 2012
Vincent Josse, “L’Atelier d’ORLAN, artiste plasticienne”, on: France Inter, November 2011
Pascale Lismonde, “L’atelier d’ORLAN, artiste plasticienne”, on: France Inter, November 2011
Michel Field, “Café Découverte”, on : Europe 1, September 2010
Laure Adler, “Hors-Champs”, on: France Culture, January 2010
“ORLAN program L’éléphant effervescence”, on: Radio Nova, January 2010
Élisabeth Couturier, “Le musée personnel d’ORLAN, program Les Jeudis de l’expo”, on: France Culture, December 2009
Eric Alliez, Sabine Leuvine, “ORLAN religieuse ?”, on: Radio Tomate, November 1981
“Nouveaux courants: transavant-garde figuration libre française, énergie New yorkaise”, on: Radio Nova, October 1981
“Intervention pour la Pologne”, on: Radio Nova, December 1981
“Performance Performante”, on: Radio Tomate, October 1981.
Monique Veaute, “La voix, program Les Nuits Magnétiques”, on: France Culture, 1981
Monique Veaute, “La performance, program Les Nuits Magnétiques”, on: France Culture, 1981
Monique Veaute, “Le Sein, program Les Nuits Magnétiques”, on: France Culture, 1980
Dominique Chapuis, “Regarding Le MesuRage de Beaubourg”, on: France Culture, 1979
TV Show
Alexandra Roualt, ORLAN rehabilitates the slow dance,
on France 2
May 2023.
Olivier Picasso, Forty years of the Centre Pompidou,
on France 2
January 2017.
LOCB, “ORLAN Today and all the summer festivals”, on:
France 3
24th June 2016.
Laura Sangrà, “Entrevista a ORLAN”, on: Tria 33, TV.3, January 18th 2016 (Spain).
Antoine de Caunes show, Canal +, France, November 26th 2015.
Louise Dupont, “ORLAN, l’art au-delà des normes”, on: France 24, September 25, 2015.
Odile Morain, “ORLAN gets naked “Des cellules jusqu’à l’os” in a digital striptease”, on: Francetvinfo, September 25, 2015.
Jérôme Cassou, on: Arte Journal, September the 24th 2013.
Aldo Lee, “ORLAN: baiser automatique”, on : Canal +, April 17th, 2010
Loïc Connansky, “De la Condition Féminine en milieu artistique”, on: Canal +, November 3rd-4th 2009
n/a, on : Direct 8, October 30th and November 12th 2009
Olivia de Buhren, “Tous les goûts sont dans la culture”, on: France 3, October 27th 2009.
Frédéric Taddeï, “Ce soir ou jamais”, on: France 2, June 15th, 2009.
Ruth Cantarero, “Metropolis, Art biotech”, on: TVE, March 15th 2009 (Spain).
Raphael Enthoven, “Philo”, edition about the ugliness, with Gabrielle Aubry, on: France 2, November 9th, 2008.
Coverage of the FIAC 2008, on: Arte, October 27th 2008.
Isabelle Bacheler, Journal télévisé, on: Canal +, July 2007.
Loïc Connanski, Mensomadaire Program, on: Paris Première, February 2005
Thierry Ardisson, Paris Dernière, May 30th, 2003.
Marc-Olivier Faugiel, “On ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde”, on: France 3, 2001.
“Mediamente TV”, on: Rai, February 1999 (Italy)
“Gordon goes round”, on : RTBF, 1999 (Belgium)
R. Wandel, “Program Intérieur nuit “special corps””, on: Rai II, 1998 (Italy)
“Friderikusz Show”, on: Hangarian Television, April 17th 1996 (Hungary)
“Woman Without Head”, on: ICA, March 18th 1996 (United Kingdom)
“Program Temeraela notte”, on: Rai II, March 13th, 1996 (Italy)
Jean-Marc Morandini, “Tout est possible”, on: TF1, January 18th 1995.
Christophe Dechavanne, “Qu’est-ce qui se passe chez Madonna?”, on: TF1, October 16th 1994
Program Faxculture, on: Télévision Suisse Romande November 3rd 2002. TV Show, April 29th 1994 (Switzerland)
“Tal Cual”, on: TVE, February 1994 (Spain)
Connie Chung, “Eye to Eye”, on: CBS News, December 23rd 1993 (United States)
Antoine de Caunes, Jean-Paul Gaultier, “Eurotrash”, on : Channel 4, April 1993 (United Kingdom)
Stéphan Oriach, Alain Burosse, “Un peu de temps et vous ne me verrez plus”, on: Antenne 2, April 10th 1993
“Hors limites”, on: Arte, January 1993
Brigitte Cornaud, Alain Burosse, “Program L’Œil du cyclone on Performance”, on: Art TV, October 1992 (Australia)
Broadcast on: DRS Zurich, September 24th 1992 (Switzerland).
Mireille Dumas, “Bas les masques”, on: Canal +, July 12th 1992
Broadcast three times on: FR 3 Bourgogne, June 1992
“Program Sydney 30 minutes”, on: New York Cable, April 12th, 1992 (United States)
Broadcast in June 1992, Cologne (Germany)
Christophe Dechavanne, “Ciel mon mardi!”, on: TF1, February 17th 1991
Patrick Sabatier, “Si on se disait tout”, on: Europe 1, February 22nd 1991
Bernard Pivot, “Bouillon de culture”, on: Antenne 2, March 1991
Kurt Aeschbacher, “Grell-Pastell” on: TV DSR, January 3rd 1991 (Germany)
“It Happens”, on: NDR Fernsehen, September 28th 1991 (Germany)
Broadcast on: NDRL Hamburg, January 5th 1990 (Germany)
“Behind the headlines”, on: BBC, 1990 (United Kingdom)
Broadcast on : CTV Lyon Cables,1990
Broadcast on : FR3 Lille, May-June 1990
“True stories”, on: LA CINQ, September 1990
“MesuRage at the Guggenheim Museum in New York”, on: New York Cable, July 26th 1983 (United States)
Jacques Martin, “Incroyable mais vrai”, on: Antenne 2, January 1981
Michel Suquet, “Program on the public aspect of the female body”, on: Télévision belge, March 1981 (Belgium)
“News item on MesuRage at Place Saint-Pierre in Liège”, on: Télévision belge, February 1980 (Belgium)
Claude Villers , “Le Baiser de l’artiste”, on : Télétest, July 1980
Broadcast on: WDR Fernsehen III, October 7th 1979 (Germany)
“News item on Le Baiser de l’artiste at the F. I. A. C. 1977” on: TF1, October 23rd 1977
Philippe Bouvard, “Le dessus du panier”, on : Antenne 2, November 1977