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Laurent Goumarre, “ORLAN, Martin Berthelot et Bruno Pradels”, France Inter, Wednesday, May 25th 2023.
Charles Pépin, “Sous le soleil de Platon “, France Inter, Monday august 15th 2022 
Cécile Debray, “Picasso et les femmes: l’ombre au tableau l’invitée des matins”, France Inter, July 13th 2022 


Sebastien Theme, Chronique ” La Madeleine du dimanche “, France Culture, 22th may 2022. 

Laure Adler, “L’heure bleue”, on: France Inter, 3 June 2021.

Femmes d’Art, “Episode 45” : Podcast, 2 June 2021.

Augustin Trapenard, “ORLAN en lettres capitales”, on: France Inter, 26 April 2017.

Laurence Garcia, “Dans tes rêves” with Chloé Delaume, on: France Inter, December 8th 2016.

France Inter, “La face voilée du burkini”, debate, Laurent Goumarre Le nouveau Rendez-vous radio show, August 29th 2016, Paris, France.

Jean de Loisy and Sandra Adam-Couralet,  ” Les regardeurs “, on : 
France Culture
, June 6th, 2016.

Arnaud Laporte, ” La dispute “, on :
 France Culture
, April 21th 2016.

Laurent Goumarre, “Le Grand Jeu des régionales”, on :
France Inter
, December 14, 2015

Frédéric Taddei, “Europe 1 Social Club: ORLAN, j’ai fait signer des pétitions contre la mort”, on: Europe 1, October 15, 2015.

Laurent Goumarre, “Le nouveau rendez-vous: 20 ans de révolution Gay, ORLAN et musique bretonne”, on: France Inter, October 15, 2015.

Mathilde Serrell, Martin Quenehen, “Emission Ping Pong: Striptease plastique et cabaret féministe avec ORLAN & Nathalie Joly”, on: France Culture, October 2, 2015.

Siegfried Forster, “ORLAN fait “Strip-tease”, la révolution artistique par le corps”, on: RFI, September 21, 2015.

Laurent Goumarre, “Le Rendez-vous du 2/09 avec ORLAN et Franck Maubert”, on: France Culture, 2 September 2014.

Françoise Raes, “Bang Bang: ORLAN online”, on : Pure FM, May 2013 (Belgium)

Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (5/5)”, on: France Culture, December 7, 2012.

Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (4/5)”, on: France Culture, December 6, 2012.

Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (3/5)”, on: France Culture, December 5, 2012.

Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (2/5)”, on: France Culture, December 4, 2012.

Sandrine Treiner, Pascale Lismonde, “À voix nue : ORLAN, artiste, corps rebelle (1/5)”, on : France Culture, 3 December 2012

François Angelier, “Nuit blanche 2012 : Les mots d’ORLAN”, on : France Culture, 6 October 2012

Vincent Josse, “L’Atelier d’ORLAN, artiste plasticienne”, on: France Inter, November 2011

Pascale Lismonde, “L’atelier d’ORLAN, artiste plasticienne”, on: France Inter, November 2011

Michel Field, “Café Découverte”, on : Europe 1, September 2010

Laure Adler, “Hors-Champs”, on: France Culture, January 2010

“ORLAN program L’éléphant effervescence”, on: Radio Nova, January 2010

Élisabeth Couturier, “Le musée personnel d’ORLAN, program Les Jeudis de l’expo”, on: France Culture, December 2009

Eric Alliez, Sabine Leuvine, “ORLAN religieuse ?”, on: Radio Tomate, November 1981

“Nouveaux courants: transavant-garde figuration libre française, énergie New yorkaise”, on: Radio Nova, October 1981

“Intervention pour la Pologne”, on: Radio Nova, December 1981

“Performance Performante”, on: Radio Tomate, October 1981.

Monique Veaute, “La voix, program Les Nuits Magnétiques”, on: France Culture, 1981

Monique Veaute, “La performance, program Les Nuits Magnétiques”, on: France Culture, 1981

Monique Veaute, “Le Sein, program Les Nuits Magnétiques”, on: France Culture, 1980

Dominique Chapuis, “Regarding Le MesuRage de Beaubourg”, on: France Culture, 1979


TV Show

Alexandra Roualt, ORLAN rehabilitates the slow dance,
on France 2
May 2023.

Olivier Picasso, Forty years of the Centre Pompidou,
on France 2
January 2017.

LOCB, “ORLAN Today and all the summer festivals”, on:
France 3
24th June 2016.

Laura Sangrà, “Entrevista a ORLAN”, on: Tria 33, TV.3, January 18th 2016 (Spain).

Antoine de Caunes show, Canal +, France, November 26th 2015.

Louise Dupont, “ORLAN, l’art au-delà des normes”, on: France 24, September 25, 2015.

Odile Morain, “ORLAN gets naked “Des cellules jusqu’à l’os” in a digital striptease”, on: Francetvinfo, September 25, 2015.

Jérôme Cassou, on: Arte Journal, September the 24th 2013.

Aldo Lee, “ORLAN: baiser automatique”, on : Canal +, April 17th, 2010

Loïc Connansky, “De la Condition Féminine en milieu artistique”, on: Canal +, November 3rd-4th 2009

n/a, on : Direct 8, October 30th and November 12th 2009

Olivia de Buhren, “Tous les goûts sont dans la culture”, on: France 3, October 27th 2009.

Frédéric Taddeï, “Ce soir ou jamais”, on: France 2, June 15th, 2009.

Ruth Cantarero, “Metropolis, Art biotech”, on: TVE, March 15th 2009 (Spain).

Raphael Enthoven, “Philo”, edition about the ugliness, with Gabrielle Aubry, on: France 2, November 9th, 2008.

Coverage of the FIAC 2008, on: Arte, October 27th 2008.

Isabelle Bacheler, Journal télévisé, on: Canal +, July 2007.

Loïc Connanski, Mensomadaire Program, on: Paris Première, February 2005

Thierry Ardisson, Paris Dernière, May 30th, 2003.

Marc-Olivier Faugiel, “On ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde”, on: France 3, 2001.

“Mediamente TV”, on: Rai, February 1999 (Italy)

“Gordon goes round”, on : RTBF, 1999 (Belgium)

R. Wandel, “Program Intérieur nuit “special corps””, on: Rai II, 1998 (Italy)

“Friderikusz Show”, on: Hangarian Television, April 17th 1996 (Hungary)

“Woman Without Head”, on: ICA, March 18th 1996 (United Kingdom)

“Program Temeraela notte”, on: Rai II, March 13th, 1996 (Italy)

Jean-Marc Morandini, “Tout est possible”, on: TF1, January 18th 1995.

Christophe Dechavanne, “Qu’est-ce qui se passe chez Madonna?”, on: TF1, October 16th 1994

Program Faxculture, on: Télévision Suisse Romande November 3rd 2002. TV Show, April 29th 1994 (Switzerland)

“Tal Cual”, on: TVE, February 1994 (Spain)

Connie Chung, “Eye to Eye”, on: CBS News, December 23rd 1993 (United States)

Antoine de Caunes, Jean-Paul Gaultier, “Eurotrash”, on : Channel 4, April 1993 (United Kingdom)

Stéphan Oriach, Alain Burosse, “Un peu de temps et vous ne me verrez plus”, on: Antenne 2, April 10th 1993

“Hors limites”, on: Arte, January 1993

Brigitte Cornaud, Alain Burosse, “Program L’Œil du cyclone on Performance”, on: Art TV, October 1992 (Australia)

Broadcast on: DRS Zurich, September 24th 1992 (Switzerland).

Mireille Dumas, “Bas les masques”, on: Canal +, July 12th 1992

Broadcast three times on: FR 3 Bourgogne, June 1992

“Program Sydney 30 minutes”, on: New York Cable, April 12th, 1992 (United States)

Broadcast in June 1992, Cologne (Germany)

Christophe Dechavanne, “Ciel mon mardi!”, on: TF1, February 17th 1991

Patrick Sabatier, “Si on se disait tout”, on: Europe 1, February 22nd 1991

Bernard Pivot, “Bouillon de culture”, on: Antenne 2, March 1991

Kurt Aeschbacher, “Grell-Pastell” on: TV DSR, January 3rd 1991 (Germany)

“It Happens”, on: NDR Fernsehen, September 28th 1991 (Germany)

Broadcast on: NDRL Hamburg, January 5th 1990 (Germany)

“Behind the headlines”, on: BBC, 1990 (United Kingdom)

Broadcast on : CTV Lyon Cables,1990

Broadcast on : FR3 Lille, May-June 1990

“True stories”, on: LA CINQ, September 1990

“MesuRage at the Guggenheim Museum in New York”, on: New York Cable, July 26th 1983 (United States)

Jacques Martin, “Incroyable mais vrai”, on: Antenne 2, January 1981

Michel Suquet, “Program on the public aspect of the female body”, on: Télévision belge, March 1981 (Belgium)

“News item on MesuRage at Place Saint-Pierre in Liège”, on: Télévision belge, February 1980 (Belgium)

Claude Villers , “Le Baiser de l’artiste”, on : Télétest, July 1980

Broadcast on: WDR Fernsehen III, October 7th 1979 (Germany)

“News item on Le Baiser de l’artiste at the F. I. A. C. 1977” on: TF1, October 23rd 1977

Philippe Bouvard, “Le dessus du panier”, on : Antenne 2, November 1977